The Nutcracker, Graduation Ball, Coppelia, Divertissements ON TOUR
May 18th, 1968 — May 18th, 1968
Review by Frank Connell
In the City Hall on Saturday afternoon and evening The Ballet Theatre of Queensland presented The Nutcracker and Graduation Ball, under the artistic direction of Miss Phyllis Danaher, with assistance from the teaching members of Toowoomba Ballet Workshop, Mrs C. Drew, Mrs M.O’Brien, Mrs C.Mullins, Mrs B.J.Rotterveel and senior members.
At the evening performance the large audience demonstrated many times that it was being treated to ballet of a very high standard. Although of amateur status, at times professional work was displayed.
Mal Czislowski has been seen here before and his technique has since improved considerably. He is now a male dancer of grace and virility, with a dignified deportment and audience appeal. Dennis young is also in the latter category.
The perfectly cast Sugar Plum Fairy, Judy Casey, danced with technical ease and grace - in the pas de deux with Mal Czislowski she was entrancing.
Bright future
Clara (April Perkins), although most of the time in an unbecoming nightie, managed to move and appear graceful. This young dancer appears to have a very bright future.
Although Graduation Ball was bright and captivating, it came as an anti-climax after the brilliant, colourful Nutcracker.
Dayne Cory as the dragon Headmistress did not miss a trick – he was good to the last drop when he tearfully left the ballroom, and in the Mazurka with Arthur Marshman the miming of both was character acting at its best.
The Ballet Theatre is to be commended on its hardihood – first of all to mount these ballets must cost a great deal, then there are many other commitments. But they have the right idea – they start on time. There is strict discipline evident and the work is taken seriously by the dancers.
Really chilling
On a cold night in Toowoomba, the snowstorm was chilling, in character, but the mystery of the moving bed remains a mystery. It is to be hoped Toowoomba will be given a return season with packed houses.
Toowoomba Chronicle, 21 May 1968
- Venue
- City Hall, Toowoomba, 18 May
Fairholme Assembly Hall, 28 September
- Desley Hammond
- Dennis Young
- Dayne Cory
- Judy Casey
- Mal Czislowski
- Robyn Feeney
- April Perkins
- Laurel Eastment
- Judy Lowe
- Peter Lucas
- Arthur Marshman
- Michelle Carter
- Judy Drynan
- Patricia Whittaker
- Daryl Gantner
- Barbara Everson
- Eric Hauff
- Ray Smith
- Rodney Thompson
- Glen Tait
- Hugh Milne
- Wendy Lowe
- Carol Couper
- Ruth Milner
- Jo-Anne Mitchell
- Linda Maurer
- Suzanne McLeod
- Carol Arnell
- Wendy Carr
- Karen Poulton
- Vickie Ashdown
- Narelle Dunne
- Claire Jons
- Christine Helwig
- Jeanette Cutcliffe
- Susan McLeod